The words backend, react, docker, and Django REST Framework on a coloured background

Add Backend to React with Django REST Framework and Docker

In this tutorial, I'll show you how to add a Django REST Framework Backend to a React project. Django REST Framework is an addition to Django that adds functionality, making it easier to build…
React and Docker logos on a bright magenta background

How to Dockerize a React Project

In this tutorial I'll explain how to set up a new React project using Docker and Vite so that auto reloading works. Prerequisites You'll need the following: Docker and Docker Compose…
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Django Docker Deployment with HTTPS using Letsencrypt

In this guide, I'll show you how to enable HTTPS on a Django app that's deployed using Docker. You can find the full source code for this tutorial project here: LondonAppDeveloper/django-docker-deployment-with-https-using-letsencrypt Watch…
Docker compose and Docker logos on a thumbnail

Docker vs Docker Compose, what’s the difference?

This is a question asked by a student who is taking our course: Build a Backend REST API with Python & Django - Advanced. Question A student asked: What is the difference between Docker and Docker Compose? Why do we need both a Dockerfile…
Django and Docker compose logos on a blueish green background
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Deploying Django with Docker Compose

There are a number of ways you can deploy a Django app. One of the simplest is by running the app using Docker Compose directly on a Linux virtual machine. The benefits to this approach are: Fastest and easier to get up and running.Define…
Docker and Travis CI logos with a caution sign

Fixing toomanyrequests error when using Docker with Travis-CI

Students of our course Build a Backend REST API with Python & Django - Advanced have recently been getting the following issue when pulling Docker images in Travis-CI jobs: ERROR: toomanyrequests: You have reached your pull rate limit.…
Google Cloud Platform, Docker and Django.
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Deploying Django to Google App Engine using Docker

In this guide I'm going to show you how to deploy a Django application to Google App Engine (GAE) using Docker. Specifically, we'll be doing this: Creating a new Django project with Docker and Docker ComposeCreating a placeholder…
Docker and VSCode logos on an orange background
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Use Docker to create a new Django project in one line

If you already have Docker on your machine, you can create a new Django project (using any version) using a single command. Create in an app/ directory: docker run -v ${PWD}/app:/app -w /app python:3.9-alpine sh -c "pip install Django==3.2…
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Debugging a Dockerized Django app with VSCode

I am a huge advocate for integrating Docker into your development process. There are many benefits to this, such as: Consistent developer environmentsParity of development and production environmentsDependency isolation from your…
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How to use GitHub Actions

In our advanced course on building REST APIs, we teach how to use Travis-CI to run unit tests and linting for your project. Since launching the course, GitHub has launched their own CI/CD workflow tool called GitHub Actions and many students…